Forums - Who else stands up to Cable? Show all 42 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Who else stands up to Cable? ( Posted by Geenyoon on 06:01:2001 12:17 AM: Who else stands up to Cable? Besides the teleporters, and storm, who else can actually put up a fight against Cable? Posted by DemiDeviMatt on 06:01:2001 12:27 AM: uhhh...mad suhdown..right? Posted by JaHa on 06:01:2001 12:41 AM: doom and BH can...depends what cable has...and spiral but not jus because shes a teleporter..cuz shes spiral..its not the main thing..its the trap..and strider/doom..for his trap not teleport...mag is actually one of the best cable killers Posted by Mr. SmArTy on 06:01:2001 12:58 AM: quote: Originally posted by JaHa doom and BH can...depends what cable has...and spiral but not jus because shes a teleporter..cuz shes spiral..its not the main thing..its the trap..and strider/doom..for his trap not teleport...mag is actually one of the best cable killers Mag is definitely one of the most efficient cable killers with spiral. Posted by JaHa on 06:01:2001 01:15 AM: hey geenyoon one of the most important things with fighting cable is hes like no other char in the have to be fully AWARE.. of his levels and assists....and throw assist wisely cuz,u know why and watch what combos moves traps you do because alot of moves arent safe against the a normal rocket punch...but against others its ok at a distance..but not cable ..i think you know what i mean though Posted by Terazon on 06:01:2001 01:42 AM: A team that I like to use on Cable is another one of my new experimental teams. Doom, Blackheart and Cyclops [all Beta]. The characters as a whole are succeptable to Cable, but this succeptability is removed and overcompensated for once I start calling BH and superjumping with Doom and photon shotting / arraying down. OUCH!!! Cable really just doesen't like or do very well against this kind of thing. Alot of them self destruct badly. Posted by Naslectronical on 06:01:2001 01:46 AM: Strider( with Doom) Magneto Doom Iron Man War Machine Storm Spiral Posted by Naslectronical on 06:01:2001 01:47 AM: Oh yeah: Dhalsim Megaman Posted by Dynamyte2U on 06:01:2001 01:52 AM: quote: Originally posted by JaHa doom and BH can...depends what cable has...and spiral but not jus because shes a teleporter..cuz shes spiral..its not the main thing..its the trap..and strider/doom..for his trap not teleport...mag is actually one of the best cable killers BH gets raped by Cable. Posted by JaHa on 06:01:2001 02:01 AM: depends if BH controls the air game Posted by JaHa on 06:01:2001 02:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by Naslectronical Oh yeah: Dhalsim Megaman mega man and dhalsim IM war machine i have to disagree there Posted by Naslectronical on 06:01:2001 02:06 AM: quote: Originally posted by JaHa mega man and dhalsim IM war machine i have to disagree there It's by no means an easy match, but they can all beat Cable if played right. And if Dhalsim gets a lead on Cable, he can run from him for the rest of the match. Posted by Paxtez on 06:01:2001 02:09 AM: One on one bh owns cable like nothing. BH can just rush him down, BH's lk is one of the fastest attacks in the game, he can lk cable out of anything he tries to do. Or he could just rain shit on him all day, if bh stays right above him there is nothing cable can do to him. Posted by JaHa on 06:01:2001 02:10 AM: where do you play at? Posted by Supergeek on 06:01:2001 02:17 AM: Iron Man and Dhalsim do it too well. Posted by Naslectronical on 06:01:2001 02:26 AM: quote: Originally posted by Paxtez One on one bh owns cable like nothing. BH can just rush him down, BH's lk is one of the fastest attacks in the game, he can lk cable out of anything he tries to do. Or he could just rain shit on him all day, if bh stays right above him there is nothing cable can do to him. Very true, but then again, who doesn't own Cable 1-on-1. Posted by J-dog on 06:01:2001 02:31 AM: I dont know about other people but my Doom would crush a cable, no matter how you played. And my mag. psy. would rush you down so badly that cable would be scared to hyper viper beam me. Peace Posted by batsu13 on 06:01:2001 02:32 AM: quote: Originally posted by Naslectronical Very true, but then again, who doesn't own Cable 1-on-1. Servbot. Posted by Naslectronical on 06:01:2001 02:38 AM: quote: Originally posted by batsu13 Servbot. Oh yeah, I'm sure you're going to run into a lot of Servbot players during your Cable career. Posted by Terazon on 06:01:2001 03:08 AM: I will show you 5 characters I think are extremely or possibly problematic for Cable aside from the teleporters and Storm. -Iron"men" [Ironman (A or B)/ War Machine (A or B)]. Accepted on faith [according to Viscant's the view from up here post...] The Iron"men" can superjump, smartbomb, fly, fly cancell, call chipping assist, repeat as needed and make it a very bad match for Cable. -Mags (A or B) Personally, I have a bitch of a time against Magneto if I have Cable if I don't have Jin-B as an assist. With Storm and Psylocke / Cyclops it becomes almost impossible if they know and I mean REALLY KNOW what they're doing [for me that is]. -Doom [B (A for Megaman)] Paired with BH-B Doom is a major problem. No explaination needed as everyone knows why. -Megaman [A/B/Y] By Jumping up and hitting HP all day leaving them at Cable's head level [or alittle higher] can cause a stalemate. By adding an assist like Doom-A you have a very risky yet very effective way of eliminating his best weapon from Cable [which is the AHVB]. Imagine seeing a billion assists called against your Cable only to find everytime you try to kill it a rockball, a megabuster, or projectile assist aborts it? That can be really frustrating. It's almost as bad as trying to AHVB Spiral everytime a knife is fired in her trap. OUCH!!! By walking a dangerously fine line between sudden disaster and a slow victory Megaman can stop Cable cold. A bad match for Cable all around that requires a masters touch. JaHa, I disagree with your opinion as far as Megaman goes but that's life. Good Megaman players are harder to find than most others. If everyone agreed with everyone else, life would suck. Maybe you will stunble across one good Megaman someday? Then you might see the monster he can be. Posted by jlepore on 06:01:2001 03:45 AM: come on guys, megaman, i know about the rock ball and the fierce but really a cable team will take a megaman team anyday. More likely than not cable will catch megaman and his assist in ahvbs and then it's all over. I just don't think the odds are in megamans favor in that fight, he's good, but he's no cable killer, especially when cable has appropriate backup, so even comparing these things is kinda stupid because almost anyone can take cable one on one but how many times does that happen if the cable player is not a scrub. All that is gonna happen is we are gonna start comparing teams and it should be known that no matter how much better storm appears to have an advantage over cable on paper, i've beaten storm and seen it done so many times, to lead to the conclusion that any top tier team is just as deadly as any other, does anyone agree with anything i'm saying here? Posted by Mr. SmArTy on 06:01:2001 04:06 AM: quote: Originally posted by jlepore come on guys, megaman, i know about the rock ball and the fierce but really a cable team will take a megaman team anyday. More likely than not cable will catch megaman and his assist in ahvbs and then it's all over. I just don't think the odds are in megamans favor in that fight, he's good, but he's no cable killer, especially when cable has appropriate backup, so even comparing these things is kinda stupid because almost anyone can take cable one on one but how many times does that happen if the cable player is not a scrub. All that is gonna happen is we are gonna start comparing teams and it should be known that no matter how much better storm appears to have an advantage over cable on paper, i've beaten storm and seen it done so many times, to lead to the conclusion that any top tier team is just as deadly as any other, does anyone agree with anything i'm saying here? Go watch the valle_megaman match in the multimedia section. Posted by Iceman on 06:01:2001 04:31 AM: Cable can AHVB Megaman? Only if he flat out guesses. Megaman can do a jumping fierce low to the ground and have zero recovery. Cable can't punish it unless he guesses and throws an AHVB. Guessing is never a great thing for Cable. BTW, Cable owns Blackheart 1-on-1. BH only has a chance against Cable if a) it's BH/Cyclops, or b) Cable is near the corner. Hello, Cable can eat HoD and then kill BH. But if BH has Cyc, he can at least set up and go for the infinte. But then if it's Cable/Commando, that won't even work well. Damn I hate Cable Dhalsim can safely use limbs (as long as they actually hit or are blocked and don't wiff), and as it's been said, should he gain a lead, and Cable lacks BH or sometime Commando (Sim can avoid Capcom but it's hard), then the game is over. Iron Man and War Machine can rain smart bombs from above Cable (use air dash as needed and with discresion). Also, if Cable lacks true AAA, they can rush him down and go for the infinite. Doom, rain photons. Rush him if he lacks true AAA. Air dash to stay above if needed. Storm, run, or rush (AAA or not). Magneto, rush (Cable better have something like Colossus to help him) Strider/Doom. Let's see, activate outboros w/o getting shot, drop Doom, don't get Doom shot Spiral, fill AHVB space with lots of swords. Don't think I missed anybody. Posted by Strider HiryuuX on 06:01:2001 05:09 AM: I would say the Ironmen have a greast chance against Cable. The best chance to defeat Cable is teamwork, hence why all the traps work so well (Strider/Doom, BH/Doom/ MM/Doom, Ironman/Ana, etc). 1 v 1 anyone can beat cable, as was said, especially Storm, Maggy, Strider, Psylocke, name your pixie. I'd say the best way to beat Cable though is teamwork. Posted by Fusion on 06:01:2001 06:11 AM: Really guys... In a 1 on 1 match, name 1 character that can really beat Cable. Magneto can, but name another character that really stands a chance against a good Cable. Anybody who really wanted to could just run away all day and the other person couldn't get close to him. If they tried to attack from distance, cable would just SJ+HVB. His AHVB is so quick that nobody really stands a chance against him. Every attack in this game leaves you open to a SJ+HVB, unless it hits Cable of course.. To make a long discussion short. If you want to beat Cable, LEARN CABLE. He's the only person that gives himself a good run for his money! LEARN CABLE, HE IS A GOD. Posted by Fusion on 06:01:2001 06:17 AM: Looking back on it, pixie fighters can get inside Cable, but it's pretty hard to do against a very good Cable. If you get in close to Cable, he still has the option of (lk, lk, hk, SJ+HVB). Which links to a triple hyper viper easily. It's hard to say.. figure it out on your own by trying 1) Cable, 2) Magneto, 3) Pixie fighters like Storm and such.. I wouldn't recommend Doom like a lot of people do, all of his attacks leave him open to SJ+HVB. His jumping fierce, his photon alley, etc... Peace Posted by Fusion on 06:01:2001 06:18 AM: Don't forget about Cable's super easy guard break! Forgot about that.. Posted by NJzFinest on 06:01:2001 06:51 AM: sorry whoever said that magneto beats cable but he actually doesnt. especially with assists. Posted by KimMaster on 06:01:2001 06:54 AM: I beat Cable easily with Cammy for some unknown reason, because most Cable users kind of get themselves into the corner from the viper beams. When the do, I start using my trap (Capcom). jump over them, hcb + hk, make them block or take the hit, once they are in the corner, call Capcom's anti-air assist and then jump and hcb + hk again, and then do it once more, call out capcom again and then repeat. It works SOOOO easily, I've killed Cable with this little trap. Because they either try to do something to get out, but It doesn't work becaus it's either Cammy coming straight down ontop of him or CapCom hitting him with the anti-air. It works really good. You all should try it. Remember though, you all found this out from me . Posted by Dasrik on 06:01:2001 08:27 AM: A note on Blackheart v. Cable... It's been taken as gospel that Cable owns BH... but after a LOT of games I'm starting to reconsider. Basically, everyone's argument is that when BH throws demons Cable just AHVBs that shit. But throwing demons when Cable has you in his sights is just stupid. As long as BH is above a non-Commando Cable, BH has the advantage. If he drops demons on Cable's head, Cable's pretty much powerless to respond with anything but maybe a Psimitar, and even then he'd have to hit BH on the first frames. If Cable puts down an AAA, it's a matter of BH just blocking it, then waiting for an opportunity to get above Cable again. And none of Cable's important moves short of AHVB is going to keep BH from taking to the sky, especially now that he's already stuck out his AAA. Assists are helpful in this fight as far as actually doing damage and trying to bait Cable into throwing away his supers. But carve an early lead and you can get away with just playing it safe with Blackheart and continously dropping roundhouse demons on Cable. And if he superjumps trying to zone you with a grenade or whatnot, Inferno XX Judgement Day. It works and is safe. Posted by Wil Power on 06:01:2001 09:43 AM: Dhalsim should have no problem against Cable one-on-one...he's my Cable killah! As for the other characters, actually, any character can stand on its own just depending on how well the player plays against good Cable players. Trust me folks, Cable is going down on them tier lists you folks have! Dhalsim > Cable.....nuff said, game over! Posted by ShoFunaki on 06:01:2001 01:42 PM: Strange, I dont see any1 mentioning Anakaris. The Mummy man really knows how to rain shit. Posted by Sentinels Force on 06:01:2001 02:08 PM: quote: Originally posted by ShoFunaki Strange, I dont see any1 mentioning Anakaris. The Mummy man really knows how to rain shit. he can probably rain shit but he cant do shit to cable somepeople that can take down cable is cable sentinel has a chance not very good but has a chance magneto most defintely Posted by silenttiger on 06:01:2001 02:21 PM: Magneto Iceman Just remember, the most dangerous place to be is in front of cable and mid to full screen away. Posted by Fusion on 06:01:2001 03:30 PM: quote: Originally posted by NJzFinest sorry whoever said that magneto beats cable but he actually doesnt. especially with assists. A good Magneto player can take out an equally good Cable player a lot of the time, not everytime though. If you have assists, then Cable might win due to projectiles.. But if Magneto gets inside if you, its all over. Haven't you ever watched a tournament? People who pick Cable aren't undefeatable, even with the opponent chooses Magneto. Magneto is a god My Suggestion: To beat Cable, learn Cable AND Magneto. 2 Cable killers in 1 team... Posted by Fusion on 06:01:2001 03:33 PM: Try one of my teams. Cable - anti-air Magneto - projectile Psyloche - anti-air Get inside of the opponent with Magneto and assist with Psyloche, her assist knocks them into the air and stuns them until they hit the ground. Magneto can pick them off the ground with a simple standing low kick, then crouching fierce. From there it's history... Posted by jlepore on 06:01:2001 04:26 PM: About that megaman video, valles megaman didn't do shit, it was all his sentinel that took out the other team. Posted by tortoise on 06:01:2001 05:36 PM: quote: Originally posted by Fusion LEARN CABLE, HE IS A GOD. Bleh. People use Cable to give MvC2 an undeserved bad rep. Cable is not a God. He's top tier but he's not the best by a mile. He's so often used because he's easy to learn. I'd much rather go up against a good Cable player than a good Storm, Magneto, Sentinel or Spiral player. Posted by Fusion on 06:01:2001 06:23 PM: Cable is very widely used, but it's for a good reason. He's one of the cheapest characters in the game (hence, one of the best). Now, I also stated that Magneto is a god. Cable is very good, but not the best, and I know this. My favorite characters consist of Magneto, Cable, Sentinel, and Iron Man. I sometimes use Spiral but I still need help with her.. and my Storm is crap cuz I've never taken the time to use her (I don't have a Dreamcast lol) Posted by TearsOfWar on 06:01:2001 06:37 PM: RYU! lol i wish he did. I tried to take cable with ryu before and he took me down in like 5 seconds. Even when i used my strongest fireballs/beams and a few shorukens it still didn't stand up to mr. long range cheapo! Posted by Megaman187 on 06:01:2001 07:10 PM: This is a comment towards Cable Try some Venom or Capcom on Cable I have had some good luck wih them. Posted by Fusion on 06:02:2001 06:28 AM: Venom sucks. Capcom is only good for his assist. Cable/Capcom makes a good team... Peace All times are GMT. The time now is 01:41 AM. Show all 42 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.